Rebecca Sower Art
I believe art should sing a song, tell a story. Each painting I begin is a new adventure and experiment for me. My work begins in a very personal way, where I scribble down my thoughts and feelings onto the canvas, my wishes and blessings for the potential collector. From there, things build up layer by layer, a long but rewarding process. I hope my art compels the viewer to pause and stare a bit, to find secrets and surprises in the layers there.
I am a mixed media artist born in Nashville, but recently located near the Tennessee River in north Alabama. Artistically, I am fascinated by many things…a tree’s meandering branches, the expressions of a human face, the negative spaces around the wading birds. I’m a bit in awe of interesting lines, shapes and layers. Those are the lenses through which I see the world. And so my art is simply a pulling together of these elements.